Respect the system
Sometimes things seem so complicated that man is unable to find a solution, and sometimes they seem easy and smooth and do not even need to think and organize ,,, in both cases may be completely different, no problem has no solution or crisis is not out of it may be the solution Simple or close and calculated away, and may be in your hand and calculated Bedgirk, and perhaps the solution is cutting or dispensing or separation, and this solution in itself, although not likable to the same.
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Respect the system |
Sometimes things seem easy and do not smell of crises or problems, but the absence of regulation and leave them go alone without planning makes them descend and change course for the worse.
Perhaps this is what happened to our nation after it built its world civilization and the corner of its people for goodness and prosperity and admired what they reached and thought that it was settled for them, if the convoy slowly changed course and did not feel its people did not find themselves unless they have lost the road and erred walk, Vzmtna is not the result of a wrong decision or one Tama It is rather a result of long years of neglect, inattention and successive mistakes.
This deliberate and new study of the crises of our nation is an attempt to understand and rectify the error and an attempt to identify it so that we are cautious and clear.
I am really pleased to have your kind contact with us in this corner. Your suggestions, comments and comments all help in developing and enriching this study.
So welcome to today's article, which made it to talk about a critical and important crisis in our public and private life, which is the lack of respect for the system and laws.
Respect for the system
The system that I mean in my words is not limited to the traffic system or government or labor laws only, although all this is included in what I say, but the system in a comprehensive sense is much larger than this, our lives are all based on order and organization, and our relations as well, but beyond that Islam tries to It regulates you even your feelings, Vamrk to love God and hates God and succession in God, and sympathy for the poor and the needy and the patient, and hates the oppressor and injustice and hates falsehood and away from him.
Even our individual lives have a lot of system, our married life as well, our relations, our work, the ruler with the convict, and everything in the universe enters the system and is subject to law and order, and we can not build a civilization without entering the culture of respect for the system in the hearts of everyone, old and young men and women.
The Divine Year:
Allah the Almighty says in Surat al-Qasas (Say: If you see that ignorance of Allah is upon you, the night will be restored to the Day of Resurrection from a god other than Allah.
God has made the universe a system and life legally, making the night to rest, housing and tranquility, and make the day to work and earn a living and visit and convergence, there is no day that dominated the night, nor the night takes the time of the day, but everything is organized, specific and temporary, and this is a wonderful divine organization.
But even the seasons of the year organized and months arranged (Hijri calendar) There is no rain comes down in summer and sun burning in winter and everything created as much
Prayer and time management:
One of the most creative types of organization that God has organized our life and make it a training for us to organize time and care for appointments and timings is prayer, you pray five times a day at specific times it is not right to be delayed in a particular way and form that may not be contrary to and do not increase or decrease if you used this in your life I used to order.
Also in prayer is a wonderful arrangement of the day and is not available to non-Muslims, you are divided into five periods are the periods between prayers, between dawn and noon time, and between noon and afternoon time, and so your day is divided and arranged alone, you can divide your work on it, and this By itself a masterful organization.
Manifestations of lack of respect for order in our lives:
Regrettably, we are today the most neglected nation of the regime and we have gained fame in this, which is rare for all other nations.
1 - One of the most famous manifestations of our skipping the system is that you do not see a place frequented by people to conduct transactions or buy widgets, but this is preceded by this, and that encroaches on the role of others, and comes another progress everyone as if his time is important among all people.
2- In every work, there are laws to regulate the workflow, but no one respects them or applies them. I am an enemy of the bureaucracy and red tape, but I am also one of the enemies of temperament and passion, things should not be led and proceed according to mood and circumstances, but they should be regulated and regulated and have a law and order. Walking.
3- In our Arab and Islamic countries, the president and ruler are above the law, but rather the source of the law. They are empowered to bypass any system, law or constitution, but to amend constitutions according to moods. If necessary, the way out of the exception exists, and no more than a royal decree or order is required. Presidential, and you find the president in the countries of the West is isolated and tried and applied to all laws except in our nation, even the Jews apply this to their superiors, even though we are the nation in which God says to our Holy Prophet (O Prophet fear God) and the parish accountant shepherd on every small and large But we left all of this and descended from our crisis today Respect for the system.
4 - One of the manifestations of the lack of respect for the regime is the non-observance of many people, whether traffic or other, such as the non-throwing of dirt in the streets and many such, especially when the absence of censor, although the Muslim internal and self-control, he is replaced as if he did not see God Almighty Allah Almighty, this is our culture that our Holy Prophet (saw) taught us.
Institutional and individual work
Perhaps the manifestations of our lack of respect for the system that we love individual work and do not master and do not believe in teamwork, although our religion is the religion of the community and the religion of the collective and the age of collective and all the verses and conversations and attitudes of the Prophet show that, and one of the greatest positions of collective action in the biography of our Prophet peace be upon him The Prophet's Mosque and the digging of the trench and in both of them was a wonderful example for the believers, as well as when brotherly between the immigrants and supporters first migrants entered the city, but what happens today is that the West mastered the art of teamwork and gathering forces and organized it developed, while we dispersed our gathering and became as an individual or state or official Works in isolation As we told God about the people of hell and God forbid (whenever a nation came to curse her sister)
These are some of our concerns that we are living today as a result of our lack of respect for the regime and the lack of legalization of things, and some may think that the question of the system is a matter of luxury, but it is certainly not so, but it is a very sensitive and very important issue in the development of the nation and the establishment of civilization.
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