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Thursday, November 21, 2019

Ways to get rid of negative energy in your home

 Ways to get rid of negative energy in your home
 Research shows that homes suffer from negative energy, although the home for you is a place to relax and get rest. You can achieve this by leaving a glass of salt and vinegar at home and noticing incredible results within 72 hours. By doing so, getting rid of the negative energy that exists in the home and has a negative impact on our health.
 Ways to get rid of negative energy in your home
 Ways to get rid of negative energy in your home

Negative energy leaks in different areas of the house, try to get rid of negative energy regularly in your home to ensure the flow of positive energy regularly There is a set of small rituals that help you eliminate the negative energy to clean the house Repeat these steps regularly helps you clean the house and renovate.
Leave a glass of salt and vinegar in your home and notice the incredible results within 72
Ways to get rid of negative energy in your home
Although this energy cannot be easily seen, you can feel it. If you think this energy is not in your home, keep reading this article and learn how to do it and feel more happy and relaxed in the surroundings. So that negative energy does not lead to depression for no specific reason. Chances are that the negative energy accumulated in the home will affect your overall health.
How to prepare a cup of salt and vinegar to eliminate negative energy?
1 cup glass.
White vinegar .
Salt granules.
Pure water.
Mix all the ingredients together in a transparent glass cup and allow it to be left for 24 hours, preferably in the area where you spend most of the time. It is important to place it somewhere so that others cannot see it, so that it absorbs bad energy effectively.
More ways to get rid of negative energy in your home:
You like to always feel the spirit of renewal and relaxation in your home, especially that negative energy can lengthen any part of your home curtains, clothing and this affects the level of negative energy you have too. You can easily use it in your home.
Listen to the Holy Quran:
You can make sure to run the Koran all the time at home is a step that makes a great difference in the elimination of negative energy and a sense of high positive at home.
Increased presence of plants in the house:
Plants are the first choice for you to increase positive energy and get rid of negative energy. Make sure that every place in the house, especially where you prefer to be as long as possible, has green plants. Even put green plants on the table in the sleeping bed. It will make a big difference when sunlight enters your room and becomes a natural antiseptic for your home.
Increase the space in the house:
Often increased elimination at home allows you to confidently roam around the house you own. This space is ready to increase your positive energy. Because the build-up of furniture is responsible for increasing the negative energy in the house.
the salt :
Simply spray the amount on the carpet. After about a quarter of an hour salt crystals absorb the negative energy present in the house well. Alternatively, you can place salt dishes in different places of the house especially the corners of the rooms and after hours you can remove it and enjoy its wonderful effect.
Cultivation of basil in empty spaces:
The basil plant purifies the air in the room. Since it emits oxygen for 20 hours a day, it allows you to absorb dangerous gases in the surrounding air and thus attract positive energy.
Basil also has a range of medicinal properties such as anti-inflammatory, antioxidant properties, in order to enjoy a wonderful spiritual healing effect.
Rose Fragrance:
These fragrances can help you regenerate and revive memories because the floral fragrance makes you learn faster. It is widely used as a lover's fragrance for women because it has the smell of fresh flowers and increases its romance and femininity. Roses act as an antidepressant and can boost mood. Rose oil also has a wonderful effect.
Room Spray:
You can buy room spray made of essential oils to help you purify the air and get rid of the negative energy surrounding you.It is best to use room spray made of lavender, frankincense, patchouli.
Cactuses :
This amazing plant brings positive energy and happiness and completely eliminates negative emotions. Because it has strong healing properties. Aloe vera must be regularly watered and preferably kept close to direct sunlight or artificial light inside a pot for healthy growth.
Jasmine plant:
Jasmine has a strong scent that relieves stress, anxiety, provides positive energy and helps to strengthen relationships. Preferably placed near the window and in the northeastern region of modern.
Using incense or sage fire is one of the fastest ways to get rid of negative energy. You can open the front door of the house and walk around the house until it spreads all over the house. Negative energy will be eliminated and positive energy will begin to spread.
Using Orange Flowers:
Orange flowers are a citrus pungent that creates the smell of fresh and aromatic flowers are popular scents in men and women. They are often used in bathing products and household products because they have the ability to achieve relaxation and tranquility as well as regenerate skin cells and make them like silk. They play a key role in capturing the senses whether you love citrus or not and they are very attractive scents.
Banjong is a very popular and ideal perfume. Studies have shown that some naturally occurring chemical compounds in the banjong produce an effective analgesic that has anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-allergic properties. One of the advantages of Panong tea is that it helps to relax and relieve symptoms of digestive disorders and relieve indigestion and chronic conditions such as ulcerative colitis and relieve joint stiffness and pain.
Inlet Protection:
Entrances and windows serve as energy entrances that enter your home from the outside. Try to keep these areas pure to create a healthy environment. You can fill a bucket of water, add lemon juice and a cup of salt with a quarter cup of ammonia or white vinegar and clean all the doors and windows and do not forget to wear gloves to protect the house from chaos.

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