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Thursday, November 21, 2019

Causes of mood swings and methods of control and treatment

 Causes of mood swings and methods of control and treatment
 Mood swings are mood swings between emotion and another in a very short time up to a minute. Men believe that only women suffer from mood swings, but anyone susceptible to mood swings is better to identify the causes of mood swings and ways to control it? For example, you may be incredibly happy within one minute and be very sad after that and then come back to happiness. Sometimes the causes of mood swings are obvious, such as a mental state or emotional breakdown. But some mood swings occur for no apparent reason. Those with severe mood swings may notice other problems such as suicidal tendencies, unhealthy supplements, and problems in their personal and professional lives. Therefore, it is necessary to control mood swings through specific methods.
 Causes of mood swings and methods of control and treatment
 Causes of mood swings and methods of control and treatment

Causes of mood swings and methods of control and treatment
Causes of mood swings
Mood swings can be a very painful experience for women and some of them have a lot of mood swings but hormones are not always the factor responsible for mood swings because there are many reasons for mood swings.
Causes of mood swings
There are several psychological conditions that cause mood swings. These conditions are known to disrupt the lives of people to the extent that the patient may be inclined to commit suicide or extreme violence. Severe mood swings are due to one of the following mental disorders. The good news is that early diagnosis in most cases allows you to treat it until the person resumes normal life. However, many people can experience mood swings in silence, without realizing that they have a problem and may result in misunderstanding of these characters by family and friends. Below is a list of the psychological reasons behind mood swings.
1. Hyperactivity disorder:
People who suffer from this disorder are unable to get treatment, but it is necessary to deal with their condition because they feel frustrated between the second and the other. Many suffer from hyperactivity disorder without being aware during their lifetime without a clear diagnosis. It results in feelings of inferiority and inability to deal with others because of the feeling of depression resulting in mood swings.
2. Bipolar disorder:
Patients with bipolar disorder suffer from mood swings, a widespread disease in the United States and should seek help from a doctor before turning to depression. Private finances face confusion between the two extremes. Because it moves from a state of happiness to a state of sadness and it is unable to adjust the mood to suit this problem. .
3. Personality disorder:
Patients who suffer from personality disorder are unable to maintain and maintain any relationship due to uneasy feelings about themselves and others.
4. Depression:
Depression causes a sense of happiness and suddenly turns into a moment of sadness, thus experiencing mood swings. They are symptoms of depression.
5. Stress and Anxiety:
People deal with stress in different ways and are difficult to deal with, including conflict from the husband or being disturbed by the actions of children, financial problems and sometimes resulting from the collapse of tension.
Causes of non-psychological mood swings
6. Chemical Imbalance:
When brain production is affected by neurotransmitters such as seroton, dopamine, it results in mood swings. People experience alternating feelings of sadness, joy, depression, anxiety, stress and fear.
7. Dementia:
The most common symptom of dementia is swift mood swings as well as reduced ability to think and have difficulty working.
8. Brain tumors:
Mood swings can be due to a simple brain tumor. Therefore, when you have frequent mood swings and persist for a long time you need to consult a doctor.
9. Menopause:
Women experience severe mood swings during menopause and are often caused by hormonal changes. Estrogen affects serotonin production and regulates nervous mood. Lowering the level of estrogen also affects your mood, making you suffer from mood swings.
10. Puberty:
As you enter adolescence, physical and emotional changes begin to appear and this results in disruption to their normal way of life. At this stage, boys and girls become vulnerable to mood swings and feelings of imperfection, so don't be misunderstood.
11. Pregnancy:
Pregnancy causes mood swings in a woman's body and when pregnancy peaks, estrogen levels drop. In addition, women suffer from poor self-confidence and the inability to perform normal tasks. During this stage, women experience mood swings.
12. Hormonal changes:
A common cause of mood swings in women is that they go through different stages of hormonal change since the onset of adolescence, menstrual cycle, pregnancy, which leads to mood swings during this period. Mood swings affect the neurotransmitters in the brain that control mood. It results in a decrease in estrogen levels in the body due to menopause and causes mood swings.
13. Side effects of medicines:
Anything that enters the body has the ability to change it, including mood. Common causes of mood swings include frequent use of medications, such as depression medications, which alter brain chemistry, resulting in mood swings. Also, some drugs lead to a change in hormones, including drugs to control cholesterol, blood pressure, and some antibiotics.
14. Stress:
Hormones responsible for stress respond to mood swings. The stress hormones and anxiety are blamed for affecting brain chemistry, enough to make moods unpredictable. When exposed to pressure and high tension for long periods affects the neurotransmitters properly.
15. Diet:
In fact, diet is one of the most common causes of mood swings in many people of different age groups. Some studies have shown that a high-fat diet can negatively affect the intestines and the appearance of symptoms of depression.
Treatment of mood swings and how to control it
It is very normal for people to experience mood swings throughout the day, but their prolonged periods of time result in a lot of problems. It affects social and personal relationships. Fortunately, mood swings can be managed and controlled.
1. Identify the cause of mood swings:
The first thing you should start to know is to determine the cause of mood swings because it can be a symptom of certain medical problems. And when you determine the reason you can handle correctly. We mentioned above a set of the most famous causes of mood swings. For example, if you are suffering from depression, you need the help of a specialist, and if the cause is food or lifestyle, you can make some useful changes to control mood swings.
2. Get professional help:
Frequent mood swings affect your life, especially your family. Therefore, it is best to see a doctor to determine the correct diagnosis, find the true cause of mood swings and prescribe the correct treatment, which may include medications, natural remedies, or both.
3. Access to adequate information:
Mood swings lead to out of control, and if you understand why and how it happens? Be better for you. Knowing the causes of mood swings can help you figure out how to deal with your condition.
4. Find activities that help you:
If the cause of mood swings is emotional or psychological problems, try to spend time in activities that help you relax and maintain focus. When practicing your favorite hobby, you can feel calm and relaxed. People with mood swings and depression are encouraged to concentrate their energy and exercise.
5. Talk to family and friends:
If mood swings occur frequently, you should undergo treatment and medication to help you provide the support you need. Discussing your situation with your family and friends helps you overcome this problem. When dealing with mood swings there will be changes in your behavior and life and do not let this affect your personal relationships. Try talking to your family and friends about what is happening to you to understand why you are behaving in a certain way so that you are less likely to be abused or confused.
6. Follow your doctor's prescription:
The most important thing when experiencing mood swings is to follow your doctor's prescription and to abide by the instructions he or she mentions. If he tells you not to exercise or not to eat a particular food prefer to adhere to it.
7. Lemon balm:
One of the effective home remedies for mood swings if a person suffers from recurrence is to get stress is the use of lemon balm for two or three days to provide you with the necessary comfort for mood swings.
8. Aloe Vera Gel:
Take a small spoon of aloe vera gel and mix it with half a spoon of pepper powder and eat this mixture after basic meals. Prefer to split the mixture for consumption after meals and not to exceed more than a large hanging. These steps become effective in the treatment of mood swings.
9. Cinnamon Tea:
Add two cinnamon sticks to one cup of water, boil the mixture well and then filter the cinnamon for cinnamon tea. Equip a few cups to keep the mind and control the intensity of tension and mood swings. Also, eating Banong tea is an easy and useful way to reduce mood swings.
10. Basil leaves:
Get 3 - 4 basil leaves and boil in water until the mixture reaches half. Then filter the mixture and eat it once throughout the day.
11. Oatmeal:
Oatmeal is one of the home remedies that help eliminate mood swings, especially for women during the menstrual cycle.
12. Cherry powder:
Take a small spoon of cherry powder and add a small spoon of honey to it. Form a paste of these small amounts and eat two or three tablespoons in a day to reduce mood swings and achieve relaxation of the mind.
13. Tea:
Be it green or black tea are both useful remedies for mood swings. Tea cups easily prevent sudden changes in mood due to physical and mental fatigue.

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