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Thursday, November 21, 2019

Signs and symptoms of vitamin D deficiency in the body

 Signs and symptoms of vitamin D deficiency in the body

 Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin found naturally in a few foods.It is a vitamin activated by the body to carry out hormonal activity (calciferol). It is essential food like all other vitamins, but you should be careful to get it with adequate sun exposure.
 Signs and symptoms of vitamin D deficiency in the body
 Signs and symptoms of vitamin D deficiency in the body

What is the importance of vitamin D?
Vitamin D is one of the most important vitamins needed by the body as it has a vital role in helping to form and bone density.
Vitamin D deficiency usually causes bone loss in adults, rickets and curvature of the legs in children, as well as chronic pain in bones and muscles as a result of this important vitamin deficiency.
Vitamin D's primary function is to maintain the body's mineral balance.
Essentially vitamin D helps to balance calcium and phosphorus levels.
Vitamin D promotes the absorption of minerals in the intestines.
Vitamin D prevents excessive loss of these minerals in the kidneys.
Vitamin D controls the entry and exit of minerals in bones.
New research suggests that vitamin D plays an important role in regulating cell growth.
Vitamin D helps to suppress the growth of cancer cells and increase the activity of the immune system.
What are the sources of vitamin D?
There are various forms of vitamin D, including egocalciferol, D2 or D3. Vitamin D2 is obtained from plants and vitamin D3 from the sun.
What are the damage caused by vitamin D deficiency?
1. Pain in the bones and limbs: According to experts, the difficulty of movement upon waking especially in winter may be due to a lack of vitamin "D".
2. Excess weight: High body fat can have a negative effect on the level of vitamin D in the blood. Because vitamin D is fat-soluble, increasing fat reduces the amount of vitamin.
3. Dark skin: Studies have shown that demographic differences affect vitamin D deficiency, skin pigmentation is a natural sunscreen, and sunscreen products reduce the ability of the skin to produce vitamin D by 97 percent. This means that people with darker skin should be exposed to more sunlight.
4. Severe head sweating: is one of the most common signs of vitamin D deficiency.
5. Stomach problems: People with bowel inflammation are more likely to suffer from vitamin D deficiency. Intestinal inflammation, like other digestive diseases, leads to reduced absorption of fat, which causes vitamin D to dissolve in the body.
Therefore, experts recommend adequate exposure to sunlight and the best time to get enough vitamin D is between 10 am and 3 pm.
6. Delayed growth of bones and body significantly.
7. Chronic and persistent pain in different organs of the human body.
8. Rickets in children Symptoms of the disease include: obstruction of normal growth, delay in the appearance of teeth and injury, wasting, osteomalacia.
9. Development of heart disease.
10. May result in hair loss.
11. High blood pressure and heart attacks.
12. Vitamin D3 deficiency may lead to rheumatoid arthritis.
13. A lack of vitamin D3 may lead to a risk of multiple sclerosis.
14. Vitamin D3 deficiency leads to back pain.
15th . Vitamin D3 deficiency leads to a possible headache.
16. A new study has found that vitamin D deficiency in the body contributes to the symptoms of depression.
The researchers analyzed data to determine the relationship between vitamin D level in the body and depressive symptoms for 12,600 participants from 2006 to late 2010. The researchers said this research may help shed light on the results of conflicting previous studies on the relationship between vitamin D. ) And psychological depression.
What happens in the body when a shortage of vitamin D?
When vitamin D deficiency occurs in the body, the body sends signals to the person that there are problems in the body:
A person begins to feel tired and weak.
Pain in the joints and muscles and the mood of the person becomes volatile and unstable.
These important symptoms may cause many pain in the body should be watched by the human to speed up the treatment and go to the specialist to solve the problem.
Low vitamin D levels are also associated with increased mortality.
Giving vitamin D3 supplements to older women in care seems to have reduced the risk of death. However, increasing or decreasing vitamin D may cause abnormal functioning and premature aging, so its increase and decrease are harmful.
Vitamin D deficiency is more damaging to black skin than white skin.
What is the treatment of vitamin D deficiency in the human body?
The patient is initially given tablets or capsules of 50,000 IU each week for 8 weeks and then 5000 IU day after day for two months and then vitamin D examination if less than 30 ng repeated the dose for 8 weeks and then given preventive treatment 800- 1000 IU or 50,000 IU per month or enough sun exposure 30 minutes. The British Daily Mail revealed a study that confirmed vitamin D is of great importance for TB patients because it helps strengthen their immune system.
Most studies in the 19th century indicated that sunlight also helps tuberculosis patients to heal and eliminate lung disease rather than taking antibiotics that destroy the immune system. Vitamin D reduces the incidence of lung disease as taking vitamin along with sunlight reduces lung infections that lead to many serious diseases such as tuberculosis.
Daily Needs of Vitamin D.
The Institute of Medicine raises daily needs and the upper limit of vitamin D (assuming no vitamin D is obtained by sun exposure):
. Infants 0-6 months 10 - 25 micrograms / day
. Infants 6-12 months 10 - 38 micrograms / day
. Children 1-3 years 15 - 63 micrograms / day
. Children 4-8 years 15 - 75 micrograms / day
. 5-50 years 15 - 100 micrograms / day
. 51-70 years 20 - 100 mcg / day
. 71 years and over 15 - 100 micrograms / day
. Pregnant and lactating women 15 - 100 micrograms / day
Side effects of vitamin D supplements and toxicity
Vitamin D is most often not accompanied by side effects if taken by the doctor recommended, but very large amounts cause a high level of calcium and phosphorus in the blood, which leads to the deposition of calcium in soft tissues such as the heart, lungs, kidney and tympanic membrane in the ear, which can It can cause deafness and kidney stones in which calcium is deposited while trying to get rid of large amounts of it.It can also precipitate calcium in the walls of blood vessels causing increased hardness.This can be dangerous if it occurs in major arteries, and may cause death. Vitamin D poisoning in infants causes intestinal upset, growth retardation and osteoporosis. Symptoms of vitamin D toxicity include general body weakness, fatigue, drowsiness, headache, loss of appetite, dry mouth, metallic taste in the mouth, vomiting and nausea.
What foods are rich in vitamin D?
Some of these foods do not primarily occupy a center in our diet, which explains, in addition to the absence of sunlight, the frequent lack of vitamin D. The majority of these foods are mental fish and oils.
. Cod Liver Oil:
With 250 micrograms of vitamin D per 100 grams (or 10 cel), cod liver oil is crowned on top of the most important foods rich in vitamin D. If its taste bothers you, you can swallow it in the form of capsules. In general, all fish oils and olive oil are useful. Calf liver is also rich in vitamin D.
. Herring:
These cold herring fish are an excellent source of vitamin D at 13 or 22 micrograms per 100 grams. The reasons for this difference in the methods of cooking this fish: To maintain the largest amount of vitamin D, it is preferable to eat herring smoked, grilled or seasoned.
. Mackerel:
With an average of 13 micrograms per 100 grams, mackerel, which prefers fried, is a source of vitamin D that should not be overlooked.
. Sardines:
With about 12 micrograms of vitamin D per 100 grams, grilled or oiled sardines are the most beneficial in terms of supplying the body with vitamin D.
. Salmon / trout:
These fish on average contain about 10 micrograms of vitamin D per 100 grams. To ensure that the maximum vitamin is maintained, it is preferable to vaporize salmon and trout bread.
. Canned tuna:
Vitamin D content of canned tuna reaches about 7 micrograms per 100 grams. Raw tuna is more rich in this vitamin.
. Dark Chocolate:
Contains about 5 mcg of vitamin D per 100 g. For a better vitamin D content, choose dark chocolate consisting of at least 40% cocoa.
. the milk :
In addition to its calcium richness, milk is essential because it contains up to 3.70 mcg of vitamin D per 250 ml. Whole cow milk is considered more beneficial.
. eggs :
Vitamin D is concentrated mainly in raw egg yolks by 3.25 micrograms per 100 grams.
. Mushrooms:
With 1.18 mcg per 100 g, cooked Paris mushrooms are a significant source of vitamin D, as well as rich in minerals and vitamin B.
. Breast milk is a poor source of vitamin D, so infants should be given vitamin D under the supervision of a doctor. Infant formula is usually fortified and children do not need vitamin D supplements.

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