The story of the word THz
he word tz is usually pronounced in the colloquial Egyptian dialect to denoteCynicism and indifference towards a specific thing or person, but that word has Turkish roots from the Ottoman Empire, tuz, which meant salt.

The story of the word THz

The origins of the word tz in different languages
- The word tz has been used since the time of Ataturk by writing in the Latin letter. It is also a language used in several regions of Iran: “dust”, in Spanish means “cough”, Tez in Azeri means “fast”, in Turkish it means thesis, and in Spanish it means skin.
The origin of the word tz in Arabic
- In the beginning, she wrote toz in Arabic, and says the owner of the "Tongue of the Arabs" Ibn Manzoor, and the author of the "dictionary surrounding" Turquoise: Altoz: creation, and Altoz is the original.And Alatoz: decent man, but in the vernacular of the Levant for the tez and toz meanings inevitably different, which indicates that it originally in the ancient Syrian languages, and science has not yet reached to know its meaning.
The definition of the word Tz in folklore
- And we may note in the Syrian folklore, when a person who is not loved in the cohabitation comes out of the house, the women spray salt on the doorstep, so that this person does not return, as if the owner says to him "any solution for Teze," and its meaning as well Facial skin and doctoral dissertation, and in popular proverbs, there is a saying: "pressing on his knee," and is said to the person is quick to anger and bad creation, "means Tz-Toz Bhek person."
Phrases denote apathy
- Indifference is the natural humor environment.
- Science has found a cure for most evils, but has not found it for the worst evil: indifference of humans.
- The result of indifference to public issues is that we are governed by the worst people.
- I prefer the mistakes of reckless enthusiasts over the indifference of the wise thinkers.
- Any cruelty of indifference when you do not see or hear.
- Indifference is not the absence of feelings, but rejection.
- Life is a Lebanese word, trade is a Syrian word, and apathy is an Egyptian word.
- But between desire and action lies a deep chasm of indifference.
- The smile hanging on the apathetic slope fell, the wound returned to bleed!
- Not to give people a lot of attention does not mean that despise them, but does not exaggerate in dealing with them, make yourself on average a little attention and a little ignorance.
- Science has found a cure for most evils, but has not found it for the worst evil: indifference of humans.
- The result of indifference to public issues is that we are governed by the worst people.
- I prefer the mistakes of reckless enthusiasts over the indifference of the wise thinkers.
- Any cruelty of indifference when you do not see or hear.
- Indifference is not the absence of feelings, but rejection.
- Life is a Lebanese word, trade is a Syrian word, and apathy is an Egyptian word.
- But between desire and action lies a deep chasm of indifference.
- The smile hanging on the apathetic slope fell, the wound returned to bleed!
- Not to give people a lot of attention does not mean that despise them, but does not exaggerate in dealing with them, make yourself on average a little attention and a little ignorance.
- A very painful feeling of ignorance, dullness, coldness, lack of interest, loneliness, parting of the one you love, narrow-mindedness, neglect, and memories.
- He thinks that ignorance and lack of interest attracts me to him but does not know that ignorance is what I need to get him out of my life.Ignorance and lack of attention remains the worst kind of farewell and forgetfulness remains the finest types of pain.There are people who believe that the lack of interest or neglect makes their personality special luster.Lack of attention is a fatal emergency that needs to be revived by oblivion until it comes back to life.In this life you have to be few words and do not care for anyone.
- Attention without asking be nicer.Attention costs nothing, but it means a lot.Attention master stay and neglect the beginning of departure.When the interest leaves, there is no difference between survival and absence.The deficiencies of love can only destroy three, too much error, too much stubbornness, and lack of attention.The attention that comes from the heart never stops.Heart comfort in lack of attention.Negligence after attention is the killing of an innocent person unjustly. Do not ask attention and do not think about it and do not care for one thing, everyone leaves you that approached and everyone approaches if bored.Do not force anyone to take care of you or longing for you longing comes, not brought.It hurts to become a security concern.
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